Sunday, January 24, 2010

How to Play Evony

Sorry for the long time no post on this blog. It started out as a place for my tribe to discuss in game stuff. However we worked out other forms of communicating and kind of let this fall by the wayside. If you are fairly new to playing Evony or interested in looking into a most fascinating game...check out How to Play Evony There are links on that site "How To" and there is a "How to Play Evony" beginners guide for sale...get the download version its much cheaper, unless you want to be able to read up on stuff while you're offline.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Buffster update

Several of his people now have been hitting pretty hard. Seems Buffster has moved or lost and rebuilt a couple of his cities I have him now at (26,6)((25,1)(24,1)(17,4).

I have written now to several of our allies for a consolidated concentrated attack intent upon the complete destruction of Buffsters personal cities. A couple of the bigger ones are interested, so that plan is in the works. Meanwhile, keep hiding your goods and building forces as possible and keep your rally point gates shut.

My goal is to get 30 people from our alliance and others, to send at least 5000 troops each and hopefully some seige weapons though these attacks have set me back a bit on getting that far this week. We'll also need maybe 500 Ballista to help take out the wall defenses and reduce casualty. I'm trying to have an equal split of swordsman and archers. I would think 150,000 troops arriving at the exact same time in an inconvenient hour of the day...will be quite effective. We'll also be sending strike forces to the other cities as well but many of them will be decoys. Unless we get so many volunteers to help overthrow this tyrant that we can justifiably hit several cities with destruction force all at once.

Once he himself is destroyed there are a few other big power centers (groups of level 10 Buff cities) that we will be able to turn our attention to if we can hold the alliances together on task. A couple of the ones planning to help, are at the moment actually at war with each other, but it is looking like they'll call a truce to assist us in the revolution to overthrow the tyrant.

Goodnight. I'm exhausted. LOL.

Buff neighbor attacks with his level 10 cities

My extra cities were attacked

I was online but the beacon's didn't alert me. Either because I was "in" the city that didn't get attacked or maybe I had mail or something up in front and the beacon warning was behind it?

Though he is my neighbor, he felt compelled to attack on his alliance leader's command. I sent him a message

First: "Sorry you feel you have to mind Buffster...we're your neighbors, got no beef with you, not even any benefit to you in Buffsters quest for prestige. Wish you'd leave that knuckle head and be at peace with us"

and then

..."If you're really just needing resources or something all you had to do was just ask neighbor..."

LOL...he didn't reply or at least hasn't yet.

Noticed he didn't even try my main city. Dang and I had many many thousands of surprises waiting on him...but I did go into the rally point and check the medic tab and found 29 wounded scouts..but no report indicating why. Guess he tried to scout me.

I also went around and went to each town hall attacked and did the disaster relief to get rid of the public grievance.

He got more than I intended to have vulnerable in one city because I had taken it out of the market this morning to upgrade. It makes sense that you are always your weakest at your weakest your most vulnerable time.

I had the check mark in my Rally Point open the gates. So alot of troops got killed or wounded. Why did I? Because I had sent Ballista to my other two cities to protect them from catapult and battering ram damage..BUT I DIDN'T NEED TO in one because it had rock fall and that took out the seige weapons.

Another odd thing that happened, he hauled off alot of stuff from the third city because he brought transports with him.

What is odd is that my abatis were not even touched, none were even damaged, and no transports of his were hurt. I sent transports to pompey once when stephen had abandoned it and all the mines and archery towers were gone..but the abatis took them out. Thinking now maybe it wasn't the Abatis that took them out, but they flushed those records and I can't go back and study that old event. Wish i knew why his transports were able to go untouched?

He brought 600 Ballista that took out most of the wall defenses that were taken out instead of his troops taking the hit. Seems like he would have done better sending the Ballista in a wave by themselves but then again..his Ballista didn't take any hits.

He's got a couple of level 10 cities just a few miles north of me so it wasn't a far trip, he was able to send a firepower most won't have to face.

I'll study the reports more when I get back. Feel free to note anything you figure out from them. Like I said though, I knew Shakeand was weak, and I've learned that I had no where near enough fire power to be leaving my gates open. Will make sure to minimize exposed resources.

May have ticked him off with my two notes so much that he comes back to destroy that little town tonight when the truce is off. LOL..we'll see.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Buff declares war

Though we have tried hard to prevent it, Buffster somehow sees us as standing between him and his alliance reaching the number one position in dominating the world. We've talked before about how this was coming...and has now arrived. He has many members near all of us. The good news is, practically everybody is at war with him. I will be contacting our allies for their help. At this point I wouldn't go picking a fight with any of them that doesn't attack us, because some of them have even told me they will not attack even though he has declared war.

This guy doesn't want to talk about diplomacy, he's strictly in it for the war. Continue to build your wall defenses, keep large amounts of money hid in the market place on the buy side of lumber..and large amounts of resources hid there on the sell side until you need carefully it is easy to hit the wrong button in the market place and sell stuff cheap and buy it

I bet every flag on the game board is red to that guy. Right now we'll have to be mostly on the defense, and be very defense prepared. If we have nothing for him to plunder he will soon grow weary. But we'll also be contacting our allies and friends in any one on one events that need attention.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Bai and Tirfing are our Military Chiefs. They will work with our Vice Host or myself in coordinating in leading us in military or relief efforts. Lass has been appointed Presbyter to help keep us in line with our spiritual goals, should we stray from our path of peace she will likely be making contact with whoever and helping keep us on path.

Felidra has agreed to work as Vice Host. She has been very helpful in our recent negotiations of peace with other alliances and even in battles, and in recruiting. There are several others that will soon be promoted to officers because of their exemplary contributions to the tribal efforts...once they pass the threshold in prestige points and have shown true commitment and involvement in the actions we take as a tribe.

It is an honor to work with every member of this tribe. I have been "blown away" at the high quality of people that make up our alliance. I honor each of you and am thankful. While there will be more promotions to tribal officer in the future, the hierarchy at present in my absence and even in my presence, generally decisions are made after receiving input from the chief military officers and the Vice host.

Felidra will be helping us with recruiting and with peace negotiations and when I am not available please contact her with any concerns, and she will work with Bai and Tirfing for a decision of action needed.

Again, in my mind, I have seen honor amongst many of you, and as we grow, we will need to distribute the work load amongst other officers to be appointed in coming weeks so that we can all work together positively towards keeping our people safe.

Thank you, all of you, for your help in whatever manner you've been asked. I'm proud to be a member of this alliance. And thank you to those of you who constantly contribute to helping us attain or regain peace. To-date we've only had to eject 3 members...2 because of attacking unprovoked active player cities, and one because they were just unable/unwilling to relocate to our area so they are better served joining an alliance in their area.

The attack on Singh is currently off, and we're hopeful as a result we will have a peace treaty with them very soon. This again, primarily is the produce of Felidra having a good relations with her neighbor in IronFist.

What an awesome bunch of people make up this tribe, I am proud, very proud.


Injun Joe
Tribal Chief
Cherokee Alliance.

Sakima's attacker

102,186 several cities in that area and 110,185. This bozo has 2 accounts, one as Singhrules, one as singh.king. When he first attacked I noticed his flag said Buff but he was actually in S.P.K. I found out from my neighbor that Buff had kicked his dumb rear end out but that he didn't have any more flag changes so he is stuck wearing Buff Flag. When I wrote to him advising him the S.P.K. had allied with us (though SPmake that made the agreement is no longer with them, and we must not be on THEIR friendly tab or else he couldn't have attacked)..he backed off. But I did write to the new S.P.K. no answer but today noticed this same guy is right back to attacking Sakima but now belongs to IronFist.

I've written to him again, and to IronFist, and scouted his city at 110,185 and found only 1000 warriors and 150 archery towers at this moment, so I've launched a small strike force though it be 8hours plus away. I also learned you don't have to put anything in the food blank when launching an attack, it will automatically take it out.

Once you have antiseige weapons, from our attack on Mayhem we have seen it is beneficial to leave the checkmark in the open gates box in Rally Point. The plus side is...your troops combine against the invader with the wall defense also. The downside lose troops too, not just resources, should they overcome you.
But it will not be long until the attackers are bringing catapults and battering rams so if you have ballista, I would recommend you leave the gates open when you fight.

Anybody else that wants to attack this guy is welcome to, and encouraged to focus on this one city of his to start with. If Sakima comes back online, we would be stronger fighting defense from within her city, since she may only have one or two spots open in her embassy though, contact me, we've got to send the biggest soldiers and food at one time so we can be of real use when he strikes again. Look at the war reports on Blesstopia to see what size force he is sending.

Those of you still blessed with a mom, remember tomorrow is mothers day, at least in the states.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

spk starts off the day

The attack on Sakima was disheartening, it means that S.P.K. must have changed us from the peace tab at least to neutral for him to be able to strike. I have written to singhrules (102,186 S.P.K. but says BUFF on his flag...LOL) and to their "new" leader to see if they would honor the peace treaty we had with their founder. We will wait at this point to see. One thing I did notice in the war report and want to mention, the size armies people are attacking with these days, several thousand traps is minimal security. Several hundred won't deter much when they use 10,000 or more troops.

Please upgrade and invest your resources whenever possible or warehouse them, and if you are going to be away a bit and have an amount of gold you want to keep, remember to tie it up in the clicking Lumber, buy, set the price like half of what stuff is going for like .065 then change the amount of boards you're ordering high enough that your gold is used up,then post it. When you need the money, come in the market and cancel your post.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A few days off I hope

It has been a busy few days. Hope after the battle everybody checks the rally point medic tab and the feasting hall to give your heroes earned promotions. Other than pompey gut of the undead coming back from surgery and finding many troops rebuilt though he doesn't play server 3 anymore and has said we could have his city, the happy drugs must have overcame him, he sent an attack at Bai and went back to server 4.

We've got that one problem going on with a demigod2 member, I have again contacted that player and their leader because they have entered a peace treaty with us and I'm hopeful this is just a misunderstanding..but for him to be able to strike us, I'm thinking their leader didn't put the status with us to friendly in the alliance tab. Still working on that.

Building traps, warehouse upgrades, troops, wall defense and upgrades all around. Have a couple new recruits, will be needing to update our coordinates list soon.

I'll only be on for short times each day for a few days, have stuff to catch up on around home. So drop me a mail if you have any questions, I'll get back with you i get it.

Peace is like a still changes when the wind enjoy it when we can.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cease Fire on Mayhem

Your response to come to the defense of Lass has overwhelmed me. I am convinced that those who make up our alliance of the most noble and honorable of any I've seen or could have imagined. Every contribution played a part. If you add up the total value of food, iron, wood, lumber that has been destroyed out of his budget in this attack, it is considerable.

I will contact Vlad and see if he will now let the waters be calm between us if that is what he truly prefers. At the beginning they scoffed at us being a mere 16 members as if we were just food for their cattle. It is my hope that this matter will now be resolved with diplomacy.

Those of you with analytical abilities may benefit us from a study of the war reports and how the different attack or defense counts of each piece helped or got wasted in this attack. Hopefully we can learn much from it. In fact the next time such an event occurs we may be taking an entirely different approach. Please be sure to refresh this page each day when you log in, and out..for any alliance wide plans, needs, comments.

Thank you Bai and Tirfing for excellent leadership in my absence. This entire day I've had to be out of town several hours on a surveying challenge with my state of real life residence...and it has been most draining. But after 36 hours of nonsleep research and work it is resolved and I am back but will not be too active this evening..LOL.

I will post in comments shortly any results of communication with Vlad.
Thank you, I am honored to be amongst you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Are we still at war?

CHANGE of plans...If you didn't get a chance to last night, whittle more on that log at will today before he can rebuild. But be careful don't go broke on this one, try to keep improving your defense even if it is at a slower rate. If everybody gets their punch in that are going to...may send him the note this afternoon...that tells him...

...we have stopped. If you truly would prefer to hunt npc and non-alliance players then the waters will grow calm between us. That is what we would prefer as well, as this is a distraction from what is more enjoyable in the game...


we wait.

Unfortunately the timing is bad as I'll be away from the keyboard tomorrow. Bai and Tirfing are both in leadership positions to make decision in my absence. Whichever one is reachable. If neither can be reached, and he attacks again, you will have to decide whether to react or not within your own judgment.

Our war status with Mayhem

42,15 Vladymer prestige 84321
41,13 Vladymer
41,14 Vladymer
and his newest 42,14

This is the Mayhem guy in our territory attacking our own. Just this one guy, Is he close enough for you to start attacking??? We as an alliance are greater than he and Crusher put together, but we need to strike Vladymer. Let us begin with the new one.
See your email for the time and day.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Journal of Building a new city

Had 250 workers and 10,000 of each resource including gold, leave these in your city the attack force is coming from, don't take them with you when you attack. The flat i wanted was level one, it could be any level you can attack..i sent soldiers to attack it..from my second city..

Came back from bathroom and saw my flag sticking in the flat. Clicked on it and had 3 options..enter, build city, or reinforce. Since I didn't want to leave that hero and those troops there I chose enter..and hit the Recall button.

Then clicked on the flat again, and this time chose Build City.
It popped up a question anyway.."do you want to recall the reinforcing troops?" if i choose no then they will belong to that city i suppose, not sure how they could though with no barracks or rally spot..besides i already recalled I click OK anyhow. OOps..system more troops are allowed to sent at current level of rally spot. Please upgrade the Rally spot first. I think that it is talking about the automatic dispatch of 250 workers from my can't do that yet because I only have a level one rally point and it is waiting for my troops to get back. I'm going to wait a minute before clicking the ok on that system message to give my returning troops time to get inside and get their boots off and get off the runway of the Rally Point.

Ok, times up..clicking ok on the system message. Now the "build city" option is darkened out so I'm closing the flat box and going to click the flat anew. Worked. Build City option is available. Clicking it. Nope, asked me if i wanted to recall troops again, cancelled now the build city is staying grayed out.
Hmmm. Clicking Reinforce and sending 250 workers. Same lvl 1 rally spot is in use..I notice off to the side Build City bar is progressing, only has 1 min left. Hmm, maybe thats why it was grayed out.

Note to self, always check to see if it is already being built. Now a popup City Rename..and choose a logo....ahh it has begun...wasn't that hard.


At the top that annoying scrolling text telling about the civony world..has little bitty icons in it on the top left. I thought it was captain bars but looking closer it was a gold package with a red ribbon in the on it and claim your gifts if you haven't already!! Cool stuff..even got another city maybe if you were needing one.."thar she be"...Have a great day and don't is a GAME, supposed to make you smile once in a while.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I sent a force to strike the offender back and wrote a few letters. He sent thousands to attack me, and got destroyed by my wall defense. The leader of SPAM said the attacker was out of line and the attacker apologized, the leader said there well be no more attacks against the Cherokee.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Anybody who gets this message please send a strike force against 107,178

This post is no longer valid, we have a peace treaty with them now.
Attack at will and often, I've sent two waves already, to give their lives disarming the towers defensive . Unite and strike together but strike and keep striking on such a constant and powerful member who offended our sister. We must target him, all that is with in there range and continually attack him with all we got, as long as we can afford it.