Friday, May 1, 2009


This is what happened, and hopefully how diplomacy resolved the issue more quickly than bloodshed...

Lord A.William of the XIII alliance is located at 82,93 and he has attacked Felidra in her new location. Upon learning of this I have toggled them to them hostile tab, thus declaring war against them. Apparently several of our allies are also, but I then sent a letter to Adominus...their chief.

"Your intro says your alliance is about honor..what is honorable about attacking an unprovoked attack on a member of the Cherokee Alliance that would otherwise be good allies?"

His response:
"Who has attacked you? and honour "

"82,93 A. William attacked one of the Cherokee Alliance who just yesterday came out of beginner status, and had to move because of Mayhem bullying her, now your guy has
started in "

"I am very sorry, im sure you have the same problem with keeping full control over your members. but they have recently got their armies and are wanting to flex their muscles. "

"So far I've been fortunate because in recruitment they are made aware our alliance has a strictly enforced no unprovoked attack of active player cities policy. We seek to live peaceably if possible with our neighbors. If you can reign him in I would love for their to be a treaty of peace between your alliance and mine.

Otherwise my entire alliance will be focused only on him. We much prefer peace.

Injun Joe
Tribal Chief
Cherokee Alliance "

and mine again in a letter with subject "Kindred Spirits"

"Like your alliance, we truly believe in protecting our own, so I'm sure you understand why we would bring all our forces against that one individual, but it is needless ...we would be most honored to enter into a treaty with your alliance where we did not attack one another. "

His response:

"Yes i fully understand, we have had some of our newer members picked on by SPK that is why i am so upset with my own members for doing the same, believe me I have messaged this member, and once he has got back to me i shall be giving him some words.I hope we can resolve this peacefully, with no more bloody shed, Adominus "

Subject: Thank You

"Thank you, I will advise my tribe of this and hold off any attack on him...and when the 24 hour mandatory change of status takes place, will move you to the friendly tab, as I hope you will move us to yours. And we can be at peace with one another.
Very honorable of you, I appreciate this peaceful resolution. Looking forward to
adding XIII to our Friendly ally list.


Injun Joe.
Cherokee Alliance

"As i must admit, your resolve is admirable, I appreciate your tolerance while i regain the reins of my alliance.I look forward to seeing you as a friend in the future.Yours in faith, Adominus"

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