Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cease Fire on Mayhem

Your response to come to the defense of Lass has overwhelmed me. I am convinced that those who make up our alliance of the most noble and honorable of any I've seen or could have imagined. Every contribution played a part. If you add up the total value of food, iron, wood, lumber that has been destroyed out of his budget in this attack, it is considerable.

I will contact Vlad and see if he will now let the waters be calm between us if that is what he truly prefers. At the beginning they scoffed at us being a mere 16 members as if we were just food for their cattle. It is my hope that this matter will now be resolved with diplomacy.

Those of you with analytical abilities may benefit us from a study of the war reports and how the different attack or defense counts of each piece helped or got wasted in this attack. Hopefully we can learn much from it. In fact the next time such an event occurs we may be taking an entirely different approach. Please be sure to refresh this page each day when you log in, and out..for any alliance wide plans, needs, comments.

Thank you Bai and Tirfing for excellent leadership in my absence. This entire day I've had to be out of town several hours on a surveying challenge with my state of real life residence...and it has been most draining. But after 36 hours of nonsleep research and work it is resolved and I am back but will not be too active this evening..LOL.

I will post in comments shortly any results of communication with Vlad.
Thank you, I am honored to be amongst you.


  1. This letter was just sent to Vladymer:

    We have stopped. If you truly would PREFER to hunt npc and non-alliance players then the waters will grow calm between us. And we can both enjoy our game time doing things we prefer. Your alliance leader is too incompetent to recognize as the true leader of your alliance...we will not respond to her words, she is a child. But as far as our relationship with you, as every other player city for us, we will not attack unprovoked. May you have peace in Friesland and live peaceably amongst us

  2. Ger is Injun Joe by the way for those that see Ger said and don't know that..Ger is my tribal name in real life, Joe is my document name. LOL, just noticed it has been posting my comments as "Ger".

  3. One more thing..those checking the war reports in the alliance icon will notice Demigod2 attacking Cir. They are our allies, so I have written to Hiddink about it, perhaps they failed to change the tab when they agreed to our treaty of peace and their player didn't see the flag as blue or didn't know what that meant. Any blue flag you see when scrolling is an alliance that has agreed to be at peace with us.

    If you need to know more about Flag colors and their meanings.. http://www.squidoo.com/CIVONY_FLAGS

  4. Letter sent to Naem (Mayhem host)

    Out of pity for those under your childish fits of rage and incompetence I have for the time being called a cease fire and changed the war status between us to Neutral. May the waters be more peaceful now for those of Mayhem in Friesland, should they without leadership, choose to accept it.

  5. Vladymer's response:

    I noted that the attacks didn't cease until one got through, but I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that I have not initiated any attacks once those against my city stopped.As long as myself and my alliancemates are not attacked, I will not attack Cherokee cities. ..

    My reply:
    We were scheduled to stop at 7am but european time zone made it late. I'm thankful for the peace, and hope you find it more enjoyable as well. Thanks.

  6. Congratulations to everybody for this diplomatic and military success, we earned it.

  7. job well done everyone...hopefully we can have peace for a few days now.
