Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mayhem declares war on us for resources

X:118, Y:200 is where their leader lives, a level 8 fortified city with at the time of this post, Naen is the host.100 members 35th in rank founder : dreyfer
requires recruits to move to Lower Lorraine and have 10k + prestige. Goal : "Be the best alliance on the server." Obviously they don't mean best in Character.

The stats on 118,200 went like this...Food 1,691,168
Lumber 667,341
stone 342,122
iron 1551846
gold 53450
population 19694
loyalty 83
7 level 6 cottages and 7 level 5 cottages. 4 barracks at levels 4,4,6,4
three warehouses at 3,2,2
8 sawmills at level 7, two at level 8
11 farms all at level 6
one stable at level 1
one inn at level 2
one forge at level 2
a market place level 1
a relief station at 1
academy at level 5
workshop at level 1
feasting hall at level 3
embassy at level 1
rally spot at level 2
town hall at level 10
walls at level 8
Rollinglogs 100
Archer's tower 1500
Trap 1000
Abatis 100

Other members I've located of their alliance:

39,18 orrix 12085
41,17 Crusher_99 42315
42,15 Vladymer 84321
41,13 Vladymer
41,14 Vladymer
44,18 Crusher_99
44,19 Crusher_99
44,19 Crusher_99
94,224 ceaser IV 31596
93,225 ceaser IV
65,226 Adarianna 17423
41,208 Gobo 39093
26,207 Jaleya 33174
27,206 Jaleya
6,203 poloster1 20424
120,203 Kujoe 58547
118,200 Naen 60,700 (alliance host)
134,185 Naen

Naen's attack she sent
2135 workers
559 warriors
951 swordsman
1998 archers
8 transports
20 Ballista

and in that one attack stole 67,037 food, 2973 lumber, 444654 stone, 1137 iron 19895 gold.

Vladymer's attack on Beta he sent:
500 workers
6500 warriors
1500 pikeman
2500 swordsman
3000 archers
150 transporters
10 Ballista

Took 364,444 food
437575 lumber
686.706 stone
374,972 iron
19796 gold

Beta had 111 archery towers, 400 traps and 200 abatis don't know what his archery level in academy was so don't know what his range was.

Tremendous amount of force..noticed the Ballista's must be being made in one of Naen's other cities beside her because it takes a level 9 barracks.

Still have alot of research to do, and have asked our larger alliances that we have peace treaties with to help..but I'm seeing that the most important factor here is warehouse all your goods, check the warehouse proportions to cover everything by going into the warehouse, if need be take academy classes on it..they don't get warehoused goods till the city gates fly open..thats when your loyalty drops below 5 I believe. That is also when the troops will go out and fight.

More news time.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Building a Stronger Defense

Troops are actually the last line of defense when you are offline. Always keep the gates closed (in Rally Point where the little "open gates when fighting?" box is..NO.)

Have enough warehouses and upgrades on warehouses and Academy warehousing courses to have everything secure, then when you are attacked, they don't leave with your stuff..though you can't seem to warehouse gold, try to invest it in training or upgrading before you go offline. If an attack is pretty inevitable and it is worth the commission fees, make a ridiculously low offer on logs or whatever is most expensive at the market place , ordering enough at that price to use up all your gold. When you come back in the morning or whenever, cancel the offer, the gold will be put back in your account less the commission fees. You can also do this on the sell side, putting something up for sell at the highest price like stone or logs that won't fit in your warehouse, but remember it is going to charge you a commission. (Bai thought that move up, very clever)

Protecting your city from being over run, upgrade your walls and build up your towers till you have a minimum of a thousand archery towers, traps and abatis and rolling logs and rock fall. Invest heavily in this.

Improve the range of your archery towers with greater levels of archery training, improve the strength of your fortifications with engineering. Other courses in the academy will be helpful to you in a defense matter.

Be sure in your embassy to have the box checked so someone in your guild can send reinforcement if you are being attacked (always make sure your hourly food production is way more than what you need so that you can feed troops while you are away if they need to garrison there.) Embassy upgrades allow more than one person in your alliance to send in troops. But I don't believe these troops will come into play until the wall is breached.

Felidra had an excellent quick reaction..while she actually was still in beginner status on her screen the olive branch was still up, she logged in and saw having just been pillaged with the first run from Mayhem, she quickly applied Truce from "my items". Give her time to warehouse stuff. Tirfing also reacted quickly to the attack on his city in the post that follows this (about Mayhem..this is an edit of this building a stronger defense post)..he logged in, attacked a weaker of their tribe...and teleported. Brilliant people.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We are not at war with Legend

A Legend member attacked Cir accidentally thinking him to be inactive (remember in that earlier post when I talked about how Important it is to be very careful about attacking abandoned cities..and never attack an abandoned city that has an alliance tag)..It is hard to imagine how he could have thought it abandoned, Cir had only been there 2 days..but nonetheless, Addleon apologized and withdrew when I wrote to him, let us hope that is the end of that.

However, once I toggled that war switch, it will not let me change it back for 24 hours we are NOT at war with Legend (thankfully, they are huge)...and it will be switched back tomorrow night to neutral.


Stephen50 is requesting peace and claims he and Sala have worked out an agreement of peace. I'm waiting to find out from Sala if this is true. He claims when she tele-ported in all of a sudden he was intimidated not knowing her intent and wrote her but didn't get a response so he attacked. Not so much to pillage and plunder but to defend "his territory" from what he though of as a potential threat. He has apologized and is seeking peace. For the time being we have agreed to a temporary cease fire until I can hear Sala's input and wishes.

We are at heart and principle a peaceful alliance, so if this resolves peacefully, good. We have learned many lessons from this attack and hopefully will continue to build into readiness because it will not be the last time we have to go to war to protect our own...Hopefully next time we will be much much stronger and more coordinated.

In the Alliance tab they have been moved off the hostile tab, to the neutral tab. If this is resolved and a permanent peace treaty is agreed to, we will move them to the friendly tab with agreement that we will not attack one another.

Until further notice, continue to prepare for a massive attack and defense, because it will be inevitable in the future...its part of the game..and the reason we are allied.

Will keep you posted on the progress of establishing peace with the []UNDEAD[].


Needing to upgrade from Knight but short on Rose Medals?

Needing Rose medals to increase to Baron status I've been hitting level 1 lakes..and getting freedom medals and other higher level medals. So I changed the way I attack, and only send a minimal force, like 100 warriors and 5 pikemen to a level 1 and sure enough...Rose medals are there time after time. Got to give credit to Bai for that idea..but it definitely has proven out. So if you're needing Rose medals...scout the level one lakes..see what they got, go into the rally point and put their troops on the defense side, and figure out how many warriors you'd need to send with maybe 5 pikemen..or just win without too much casualty..and you'll be collecting Rose medals in no time.

A new Allied Alliance

Weapon is an alliance with this intro:
"Welcome to the new, up and coming alliance WEAPON!-you can keep your flag the way you want it, its easier for lords. -If there are people around you without an alliance invite them to ours."

They currently have 20 members and are ranked 362 with prestige of 232,968.

Letter written 4/28 10:00:06am
To RedSword (host of the Weapon alliance)

Greetings Lord RedSword,

We of the Cherokee Alliance reside primarily in Friesland, we operate under a "no unprovoked attack of other players" but unite in fight to defend our friends and allies. We would like to establish a treaty of peace between your tribe and ours that we will live peaceably along side one another and work together to keep peace in our great state of Friesland. If you agree, we can add each other to the friendly list in Alliance tab.

Injun Joe

From RedSword
4/28 12:26pm

I agree to your terms and hope for a peaceful trust between us.

To: RedSword

Thank you. It will be nice to be able to work together for a peaceful Friesland, and be at peace with another. We will honor our treaty. I will enter the alliance and change your alliance to the friends tab.

These are turbulent times, and several of your members are near me so it will be good to be of assistance to one another in the event of war

Injun Joe
tribal chief
Cherokee Alliance

Information on The Undead

The Undead claim to be a peaceful alliance, if it is so..then our whole battle is only with Stephen50 who keeps attacking our city Damen. What is happening though is that when we go to strike his city at X:38 Y:48 there are no troops coming out to fight.
So until we knock his walls down he is probably hiding right there. Yet the scout reports don't show any troops there..hmmm. I've noticed there is another Undead city near by at 22,44..perhaps he is garrisoning them all there in anticipation of destruction? Another very very realistic possibility is he is reinforcing one of the valleys he controls...hiding all his troops there.

He does own another city, that we haven't located yet. If any of you get time to use your arrow keys and click thru the map with the X between 0 and up to and including 199...same with the Y any undead coordinates below and who the lord of the city is... The cities should show up plainly under the red flags. Post your discoveries to this blog post.

Their intro page says they are primarily a North March that is probably where we'll find him. But for his attacks to be so repetitive, he's got to be holed up close by. If you find any others in Friesland please post their coordinates.

Attacking Abandoned Cities

If you notice in the war reports that I've attacked a city that is not in an alliance, not in our enemy list and wonder what is going on? How can someone strongly advocate against attacking cities unprovoked turn around and loot a city? Before you jump to the wrong conclusion let me explain...After scouting and watching a city for a long least a week, and noticing no change, I typically write to them asking them to reply if they are still active in the game because it appears they are no longer playing...and that if they would reply I would not enter their city. If a day or two goes by and still no response then I have attacked abandoned cities. And every day or two I go back in again..usually only sending workers and one carry off what the computer produces for the day.

I'm not attacking players, just abandoned cities...and if you decide to do this, I would plead that you be very very patient and notice their prestige and the level of each thing in the city...scout report...and look again in a week, and write them at least two separate days...and make sure that they are not in a guild..because even if the player is no longer active..until the alliance host dismisses them, you will likely ..more like most certainly ...cause the alliance to retaliate.

Is it a good source of extra income..yes. Is it dangerous to our reputation and safety as a peaceful alliance? Not if you do it right, with patience, and plenty of observation and correspondence...and make sure it is not a city in an alliance even if it is abandoned.

Injun Joe.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The letters behind the scene of our first war

Peace Treaty attempt with []undead[]
Letter from Injun Joe to Lord Hiddink:
4/26 13:20 Subject: Friendly Alliance

Greetings Lord Hiddink,We of the Cherokee Alliance also reside primarily in Friesland, we operate under a "no unprovoked attack" of other players but unite in fight to defend our friends and allies.

We would like to establish a treaty of peace between your tribe and ours that we will live peaceably along side one another and work together to keep peace in our great state of Friesland.

If you agree, we can add each other to the friendly list in Alliance tab.
Injun Joe

04/26 18:32 War Report stephen50 of the undead alliance, attacked the city of

damen (38,46) a member of the Cherokee Alliance.04/26 18:39 attacked again.

about 20:00 unknown to them, I dispatched everything I had that I had workers to carry food for...with about a 8 our journey ahead...
In response to Stephen's attack on our alliance member Sala 4/26 22:41

From Injun Joe
To Stephen50:

That is a new player you are attacking and just moved to Friesland. If you do not stop I will see to it that the primary goal over the next few weeks of my entire alliance is to destroy 38,48

Also letter to his alliance host...
From Injun Joe
4/27 To : Hogwarts

We wanted there to be peace within our state, till your stephen50 attacks a new player of our alliance, freshly moved to Friesland. What must they think of our fair state now? What must they think of their very own "neighbor" that flies your
alliance name in their popup. If he was out of line in attacking the innocent, expel him as I would were he in my tribe and there will be no war between us.

We should be keeping Friesland,our homeland, at peace, not attacking our newest residents!

From Hogwarts
To : Injun Joe
04/27 02:30am

How the mighty warrior race has fallen, to be the **** of rage,as time has flown and the braves have been forgotten,gone the smarts the intelligence, wise man no more, no sage.So come white skinned pretender, bring it onwe'll slay your every last **** til at last your race is gone.♠Undead Alliance♠If you need help with the big words
give us a shout.

04/27 04:34 am
To Injun Joe
From Hogwarts

I respect the peace fair man, but alas stephen is both bold honourable and brave. I ask you to cease and not lose your lives against our walls. I offer a trade traitor an enemy of us both that offered me information as to your weak cities if you call it off and befriend us. We will fight by your side brother. Apology will come from nmy brave steve for any wrong doing


4/27 04:38
From Injun Joe
To Hogwarts

Very well, if indeed you are interested in peace within our borders as you say, I will toggle the tab against the undead off of war.

But Stephen will be treated as if he were not part of our agreement and by this time next week he should be able to begin a new city on his flat and may be a better member of our fair state through it all.

From Hogwarts
To Injun Joe
04/27 05:09am

Your an honourable man it is plain to see but as I am sure you'll know an act of war is just that. Steve reckons he wrote to your brave and was ignored...if thisis the case your brave offered no claim against wrong doing. Peace I want. But I will
not cut steve off, and as we all know an alliance is truly about honour, except for dogs...pull back and there will be no more war, and I will testify to this and will end the membership of anyone that does...respect♠Undead Alliance♠
04/27 06:00:04 Injun Joe

Troops arrive and attack pompey1 (38,48)

From Hogwarts 04/27 06:04am

OOOOpppps now you've done it. You have declared war. Honourable surrender. Not an
option we are coming!!!

4/27 06:17 From Hogwarts
(he drew a sketch picture of a skulI and sent it to me)
04/27 6:16am, 6:29am, 6:30am,

6:30:21am, 06:31am,

06:31:53am, 06:32am, 06:33:38,
06:33:50, 06:34,:04, 06:34:19

war reports of stephen50

attacking and looting damen.

Injun Joe attack Pompey1 with second wave of troops 04/27

Stephen50 continues 8 more

attacks on damen between

06:41 and 06:44:28
Bai Kolio attacks Pompey1
04/27 11:55
Bai Kolio attacks Pompey1 04/27


4/27 19:22pm
from Injun Joe to Hiddink, host of the []undead[] alliance:

It is with great sorrow that I announce to you that we will be destroying the city of pompey1.

While our alliances are at war, it is only the offending member that is being punished at this point. He should have known better than to attack an allied member, but he did not.

Such a tragic waste for us all. It will not happen all at once, but it is inevitable. I regret that he has so damaged such an innocent city as Damen, and that such drastic course of action has to be taken.


Alliance News

Ok ALL...PLEASE enter your embassies and check the box to allow allied troops to garrison or we can't reinforce you in battle...we have to attack the attacking city and that is giving them the high ground.

And in your RALLYPOINT..don't leave that Open gate box checked !!!

Also..we are at war with Stephen50 of the "undead" alliance who without provocation attacked Sala. You can read all about that war up to this point in the previous post.

Please be upgrading your soldiers, Pikemen are really helpful, but cataphracts are great, just require alot of upgrading. If you go into your rally point and click March and put in the coordinates 38,48 it should tell you in the bottom right how long it will take to get'll need to know that because hopefully we will be sending out the time for a coordinated attack within a couple as ready as you can be. Word will go through the mail though since this is too public.

Use the comment button to post whatever you want to post about...but in the previous post..the one about the war...

The first war in our new homeland

Last night Stephen50 of Pompey1 (38,48) attacked Sala, twice. I wrote to him and to his alliance leader but it did not help. I sent out calls for any and all to attack that city, even our allies. As of yet nobody else has arrived. I knew my men would arrive first, with the mission of doing all the damage they could do against his walls defenses. They gave their lives doing just that and died honorably. The following is the report:

06:00 my first wave arrived at pompey1 (38,48) i sent what I had available and they travelled all night. Knowing they were surely going to their death they marched bravely on. In hopes that at some point others would join into the mission but knowing at that hour of the night the chances were slim. 196 workers (to carry the food) and 300 pikeman died after 16 rounds of attack..

No damage was done to the enemy's 200 archery towers, but 246 of his 320 traps was destroyed. No damage to the 266 Abatis.

At 6:39 the next wave arrived and 250 workers and 463 archers fought bravely. 41 of his 200 archery towers were taken out and 76 of his remaining 86 traps were destroyed and none of the 266 Abatis (but I used no cavalry) The fight lasted 16 rounds before the last man died.

It was impossible to send more because I was out of workers and it is too far for the soldiers to carry their own food. So I will continue to build and at some point in the near future return with siege weapons and plenty of soldiers and help and we will leave those coordinates as they were before such a dishonorable speck as stephen50 built his first cottage.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Words did no good...

When the attack on Cir began and I could not reach any of the allied neighbors, I wrote to the host of their alliance:
Lord Narvarchus,my attack report shows your member Momus has attacked innocent peaceful neighbor who has been of great service in assisting new players get started and is of good character and value to the land of carinthia. Is this the common practice of your alliance, to attack the innocent non provoking players? Are there not enough NPC barbarians to take on with honor instead of attacking the weaker newer good decent people of your own state?

This was his reply:

Hey Joe, Im the leader of the Myrmidon alliance and you recently declared war on us. As you can tell, we have taken one of you members cities and are preparing to attack further. If you beg for forgiveness we will let your members live, if you dont check the alliance rankings and think about your chances.Sincerely Narvarchus

and mine:

I've seen your ratings..and watched as they have dropped from 1 to 8 and still falling. I've also seen your intro, where you don't care to assist newcomers. You have defined yourself well, and your spirit is unworthy.

Injun Joe.

All night I watched this guy attack more and more cities in Carinthia as alliance after alliance responded by marking them in the alliance tab as hostile (thus declaring war on them)...So as I have urged all members to relocate to my state where our alliance is strongest and our allies are decent...we also must prepare with stronger warehouses and stronger walls.

By tomorrow night I should have cataphracts and be better ready to speedily assist.
As each of us go about enjoying building our cities economically, keep on guard.

If you use the city transport from the my items list...and have more than one city, they will put you in the state you select but in random locations within the state so your cities may be in two separate places in state, and you'll lose your resource valleys but there are plenty more here to recapture and upgrade to higher levels.

I regret that this new era has come so quickly, but now our eyes are open.

Cir Lives !!!

Just heard from Cir...

He is alive and well in his primary city, it also had been under attack but his walls withstood...and has no city transports left in inventory.. Wish they would let us mail stuff like that.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

War Lessons

Looks like the honorless Myrmidon alliance in Carinthia is busy attacking Cir while he is offline. Can't get any communication going with him, from what I can see scanning the area for red flags they are very strong in that state.

I'm hopeful he has anything left when he logs back in, but I can't reach the other tribal members in that state either. I'm encouraging all tribal members to use the "my items" city says to a random location, but I'm told it lets you choose a state..choose Friesland, we have less hostility here and more strength. We're just too spread out to be of much help to each other this early...because we don't have the cataphracts and upper level transportation speed abilities yet.

By monday morning my level 8 wall should be up, but I'm also seeing from what is happening in Carinthia that it is important that we upgrade our warehouses so there will be nothing to pillage unless they can completely destroy the city. Pretty honor less of them to be attacking the guy in the late of night when he's not even online, but then again..that is why we are banded together for mutual defense..its just that we were not prepared logistics wise to be of assistance that far away and the 3 other members in that state can't be reached.

I know transporting would be an inconvenience..but actually maybe more of an adventure. (Like it says on the sides of the Uhaul adventure in moving). We've got several strong and growing members in Friesland and a peace treaty established with another major alliance already here..the USF....hopefully as many as possible will relocate here and we will be able to maintain a peaceful existence.

Printable workmap

You should be able to click on this picture and make it larger then print it if you want to make a map of your state. The X coordinates start on the left and will go up 200 to the right..see the server 3 map post for your state. The Y coordinates go down from the top of the page to the bottom they increase.

Upgrading to a level 8 wall

1,280,000 stone
64,000 iron
384,000 food
192,000 lumber
quarry lvl 2
workshop lvl 1

That is the requirement upgrades to go from a level 7 wall to a level 8. I still need 125000 my current production rate that is 5 more hours.

The construction takes 44 hours and 10 minutes if I don't have any speed ups in "my items". While I could spend the time today "farming for medals" (attacking level one or two ponds or swamps or flats)...think I'm going to spend most of the day today with my wife and kids. Just finished cooking bacon and eggs, and since there was some bacon grease left and the fire turned down low, popped open a can of biscuits and am frying them like eggs...making what my dad use to make when i was a kid...and he called them "terepins"..because the pattern on their "backs" is like that of a turtle. May be online later but thats the news for now.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Evony Workmap

For a poster with coordinates for the Evony World Map Click on that link, if it doesn't work you can access it through . Pretty handy on a bulletin board, or laminate it and use dry erase markers on it. Or even just let it hang on your wall to make your place more fun.

If you just want to see a bigger map of the Evony world click on the picture below. Disregard the outdated information at the top calling it Civony and server 3.

New members and war is nearing

As all the members know, invites are only extended to people who are share our basic "philosophy" :

We of the Cherokee alliance are intent on destroying only derelicts and defending ourselves, not in attacking or pillaging for gain of the labors of others who have not provoked us.

We've had quite a few new members join this past few days...and I believe we have the best bunch of people out there. And am thankful for all. I lost that little green olive branch from the upper left corner of my screen so my Peacetime protection is gone. Several others of our tribe have lost theirs too. So we will be entering a new era and learning much about warfare.

If you see any neighbors that you would like me to send a letter of inquiry to, send me their names and I will be glad to...our tribe is still young and spread out at this point so we need to develop more alliance members near our own cities.

I'm including a map that is pretty small scale but if you enlarge it enough and print it gray scale (saving your colors) it might help you as a work map, I've got one I use to chart approximately where all the tribal members are. I'll put the map on the next post so it is by itself.

We'll be learning alot and probably be under attack soon. I will be busy trying to establish peace treaties with alliances that come closer to sharing our common compassion. We're entering turbulent times though, please upgrade your walls and your warehouse as possible.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Taking on a level 7 forest

Naturally since my informatics is only level 5, they weren't much help. But here is how it turned out. I did actually win, but lost many good soldiers :(

A forest several miles away was level 7
I went into my townhall and my valleys tab and abandoned a level 2 or 3 I was holding and went for it...

hero level 29
warrior 1182
pikeman 400
archer 267
cavalry 126
no survivors

Quantity I sent ///casualties

Hero level 15 1/0
warriors 610/339
scout 1/1
pikeman 622/622
swordsman 263/262
archer 215/215

fight lasted 10 rounds
prestige gained: 103
wounded portion 10% (cured them all when they got back but it was close to $5k in medical bills)
Experienced gained by hero 14,400
Earned 1 Honor medal

Still wonder what they mean when they say that the medals can be used "in the persuasion of rival heroes"...

17% increase in lumber production

Finally upgraded my walls to a level 7...started it last took about 20 hours. Think it finished sometime early this afternoon. wow they look "purdy".

I was taking screenshots with "screengrab" using it in my firefox...but now when I take a shot it logs me out...LOL..not sure what that is all about, but all I could figure out to do with those "copy" shots was to paste them into word or wordpad..but still couldn't convert them into a jpeg format so I could annotate or add tags or crop them and all that good stuff...

I know its done..seen shots like that posted in the forums..but how??? THAT, is something that I do need to know.

Also had a little fun tonight with my valley limit town hall is 4 and I control 4 valleys...just go pounce on some pond...Death74 taught me that one...some level one or two pond, send plenty of troops while you wait on some upgrade...sometimes they bring a medal back, and they gain a little experience.

Did you know that in server 3 each "spot" what your mouse shows as a circle on Map a square mile wide, one mile long...and there are 40,000 in each state, and 16 states. Goodnight.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've not tested this 100% but so far it seems accurate. When I click the MAP button in the top right and drag the map around in view there are different color flags...
Since we've (our alliance) have been kicking around the idea of having a common flag, I thought this was interesting...

"Gold is yours, Green-others in your alliance, Blue- people in an alliance with whom you are friendly, Red- an alliance with whom you are hostile, Grey- anyone who is not in one of the above."

Interesting...I had been wondering about how we could change our colors but, evidently...color is in the eye of the Gold flag that seems to match NOBODY else...doesn't look Gold to ANYBODY else...haha.

The email system in Civony isn't very advanced for making it easy to communicate within the needs like a bulletin board or round table meeting room..guess we can use this blog for that.

Got quite a few ideas for a common flag, and a couple that want to keep theirs individualistic for various here is what I plan to do....

Since "U" pronounced like the OO in the word "book" a Cherokee word referring to someone being strong of heart. I'm thinking in the 4 spaces we're allowed I'm going to put a space, a capital O (the letter not the number), another capital O, then a space.

Anybody else in the alliance wants to do that too ...that would be super..if not, that is just as super..because to me your gold flag looks green anyway. :)

To change my flag I'm clicking on QUEST, then in the left hand side clicking on ADMINISTRATION, Then down in the bottom left block, clicking on NATIONAL FLAG,

Cool..i see that there is a reward of 1000 gold and another National Flag (that will replace the one in "My Items" that will

probably get used in this). It also gives me the instructions.

My quest box says "Click your head icon to open Player Frofile"....FROfile? that something to file my "fro" with?

But I don't have a Fro. They'll probably correct the spelling on that someday...but it is at least some humor at the moment...

Anyway to change the Flag...Click on the avatar/ opens the Player Info box...on the left side , at the bottom I see Flag:_____ and the change button. Looks like I don't need to mess with putting in empty spaces, looks like it will center it on its own so I'm typing in two capitals OO and clicking CHANGE.

Little wait symbol comes up....guess the server is busy but it is working on it..aha..System message box popped up,
Change Flag Successfully it says. I click the OK button. Click the X in the top right of the Player info box to close Quest light is flashing meaning I've got a reward to claim...gee..wonder whatever could it be..LOL.

I open the Quest box, click on Administration on the left side (has a green check by it now meaning I've completed something )..look down to the bottom left "National Flag" is checked...look over in the panel on the "Get Award"

Quest box was still flashing, scrolled around to find some other stuff I needed to claim the reward on...strange got one for having a level one market place...strange because I've had that for several days now...but I'll take the reward :)

To look at my new flag, I click the button on the top bar near my picture that says "MAP" and there it fancy gold flag with OO in it.

I see the blue flags of my neighbor, reminds me I need to contact them and get a more formal treaty made between them and us...the more alliances on our friends list the better, good public relations might save us alot of soldiers and expense.

It is time to pick up the kid from school so I'm going to try to start the next horse riding level study in the academy, an upgrade of housing, and maybe create some more pikemen.

Interesting adventure.