Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Needing to upgrade from Knight but short on Rose Medals?

Needing Rose medals to increase to Baron status I've been hitting level 1 lakes..and getting freedom medals and other higher level medals. So I changed the way I attack, and only send a minimal force, like 100 warriors and 5 pikemen to a level 1 and sure enough...Rose medals are there time after time. Got to give credit to Bai for that idea..but it definitely has proven out. So if you're needing Rose medals...scout the level one lakes..see what they got, go into the rally point and put their troops on the defense side, and figure out how many warriors you'd need to send with maybe 5 pikemen..or just warriors..to win without too much casualty..and you'll be collecting Rose medals in no time.


  1. Actually it even works with scouts if the lake has no defenders left and I think that sending a hero with more intelligence also helps. I worked mostly with 2nd and 3rd level lakes, killed of the resistances and then sent scouts after scouts after scouts :)

  2. 100 arch to lv 1 vally
    150 arch to lv 2 vally
    200 arch to lv 3 vally
    no losses works most of the time

  3. works most of the time to get rose medals i also get lion
